Monday, December 15, 2008


   Professional Cites are webs that are usually provided by schools, government, universities, companies, and companies. This websites contain 6 parts. They contain the site title, date you visited it, URL, the name of the sponsor, the title which tells has the information you need, and the date of the last time it was editited. These sites are made by a professional or professionals, and made for big purposes.

   Online Newspapers or Magazine Articles are webs that usually inform you about latest news or situations. This web contains 6 parts also. They contain the author of the article, title of the website, the title of the article, the date you visited the site, the date it was published on the internet, and the URL. These sites are usually for educational purposes or maybe even business.

 Reference Database Sites are websites that have online dictionaries, thesauruses, encyclopedias, and atlases.  These types of webs contain 5 parts. It has the URL, date you entered the site, the database title, the article title, and the date it was published.  Most of the time, these sites are used for educational or world information too. 

  Personal Web Pages are webs that are made by a normal person for itself. These sites contain 5 parts. The author, the date it was last checked, the date you entered the site, the title of the web site, and the kind of the site. Usually people use this kind of sites to post their journal entries or interests in hobbies or crafts or maybe even ads.

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